By Tony Green
September 6, 2021
I’ve got a question. It may not seem hugely important, so please forgive me, but it’s been bugging me for some time, even though I’m not Chinese. I’ve been wondering why westerners struggle with Chinese names. And even Korean ones for that matter. And I don’t mean the pronunciation – as a westerner I’ve made feeble attempts to learn Chinese, and I’m guilty of not following it through. It’s a tonal language, so the classic mistake for a westerner married to a Chinese partner and wanting to address their mother in law (first tone, “mā”) is to use the third tone – a ‘down and up’ ‘ma’) and end up calling her a horse. Tonal languages can seem a challenge: Chinese has four tones, Thai has five, and Vietnamese has six. Is it possible to be ‘tone deaf’ in this case: deaf to tones? But no, the struggle I am talking about is not pronunciation – it’s the simple matter of getting the parts of the name in the right order. I read a BBC report of 4,000-year-old noodles being found in a site by the Yellow River by a ‘Professor Houyuan Lu’. Presumably, when his parents named him, he was Lu Houyuan. Did they feel uncomfortable at the time? Did they regret being bound by this tradition and wish it could be the other way around? The co-author of his report was named as Professor Kam-biu Liu, from Louisiana State University, USA. Perhaps he migrated to the USA and the parts of his name got re-arranged in transit. I read a headline that ‘Heung-min Son scores the winner against Arsenal!’ I’m sure his family is pleased that he’s doing well – we all love to see our children succeed. But, again, I wonder at the name: In Korea, surely, it was Son Heung-min: family name first. It’s not a new issue. As part of some work in Singapore I was searching the Internet for old newsreel footage of air travel and I came across the website of a long-defunct company, British Pathé News. A newsreel dated 18 January 1968 was headlined, ‘Mr Lee Arriving at London Airport.’ The late Lee Kuan Yew was a forceful and well-known figure from a small country, but the first line informed people that, ‘Kuan Yew Lee, Prime Minister of Singapore, arrives at London Airport for talks.’ Ah, you may say: that’s over 50 years ago, and they wouldn’t make the same mistake now, but it shouldn’t be so hard. After all, the western world has been engaging with Asia for a long time now. But there’s the question: what has the engagement been like? And on whose terms? Consider this: if the Chinese news media reported that Prime Minister Ardern Jacinda and Foreign Minister Mahuta Nanaia had been on a Zoom call with Australian Prime Minister Morrison Scott, and that they’d discussed issues of trade, might there might be a little ripple of annoyance from western diplomats and media? What’s wrong with you people? Can’t you please get our names right? But so often in western media reports concerning those from other cultures, there is an inability to give the person’s name according to the order, and the frame of respect in the culture they come from. In the USA there was the ‘Wen Ho Lee Case’ in which, it was claimed, a young man had spied for China. Once again, why not ‘Lee Wen Ho,’ with his name as it was given to him by his parents? And this isn’t confined to Chinese and Korean names: take former Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister, Anwar Ibrahim; a man who went through a series of court trials. Should it be Mr Anwar or Mr Ibrahim? Malay names in Malaysia use a patronymic – a father’s name and not a surname. That ought not to be too hard for a global media outfit. Yet, during the period of his times in court, the normally authoritative BBC used both forms at different times. Now, granted, you can't know everything about every culture. Years ago, when the Berlin Wall was still in place and a large chunk of Europe was under Soviet influence, I drove through Poland and Czechoslovakia. I met and spoke with a Hungarian man and gave him a copy of George Orwell's book ‘Animal Farm’ – it was a naïve little gesture against state censorship on my part. He said his name was Balog Gabor – family name first, he informed me, and given name second. And if he hadn’t told me I wouldn’t have known. Despite hearing that Budapest is a beautiful city I had never been there and he was the first Hungarian I had met. So perhaps I may be excused for not knowing how their names ‘worked’. But, meaning no offence against Hungarians, Chinese names ought to be understood. Leaving aside any consideration of the economic power of China (or Korea, or Japan) and the matter of the sheer population numbers, there is the fact that many thousands of Asian students journey to western countries like the USA and Canada and Britain and, by that quirk of cultural geography, ‘western countries’ seems to include Australia and New Zealand – places to the south. Pre-Covid they’ve been contributors to the economy. They fill out application forms for top universities and driving licences and immigration cards and, time and again, they may stumble at the first questions, as they wonder where to write in the parts of their names. What do the terms ‘first name’ and ‘last name’ mean? Or even, occasionally, what does the term ‘Christian name’ mean? And do they feel any annoyance when their names are turned around? Perhaps I’m alone in this, but I wonder if it suggests a small problem of respect. Or, if not that, then an indicator of lack of concern or flexibility? A cavalier attitude towards other people? If so, history could play a part. As a white, English-speaker who came originally from Britain, it seems to me that we have been accustomed, over the last five hundred years, to travelling around the world, telling others that their judiciaries should follow our model, and saying that their cities should be laid out in a certain system, and that, in order for everything to go on smoothly, they must learn our language and adopt many of our ways. If we have that background then we’ve never experienced another, radically different culture land on our shores and make the same demands of us. That’s the history and it can’t be changed, and not everything about it was bad. But at least, for the age we are in, we could recognise the consequences and check our assumptions. If it’s seemed a small issue perhaps we could see that it’s not always helped us develop a very marked ability to listen to others and to accept their ways as being worthy of equal respect. When underlying assumptions are not checked, strange things happen. I remember a General Science examination paper sat by school students in Britain back in the late 1970s when I was teaching in London. One question described a situation and asked the candidates to offer an explanation. It said something like, ‘When you exercise, your skin changes from white to a reddish colour. Explain why this happens.’ We had many families who had originated from the West Indies and one of our pupils, by the name of George Washington Simon (some names you can’t forget), wrote what seemed to me a perfectly reasonable answer to a dumb question: ‘My skin has never been white.’ It wasn't as if, in 1978, people of another skin colour were a new phenomenon in an otherwise all-white Britain yet somehow, only one view had been seen, and this question had slipped through the examining board net. It had not occurred to anyone to reject it. And that same principle of anticipating and accommodating the perspectives of others, of being able to ask how others see the world, is at the heart of effective communication. As I said at the start, this issue of names may seem unimportant, except that the world is now described as ‘globalised’ and it is said that we meet in a different way, to discuss issues. Twisting another person’s name around so that they fit into ‘our’ way of doing things seems an odd way to begin. Anthony Green September 2021